Whole body hyperthermia

Whole Body Hyperthermia is a medical procedure that involves raising the core body temperature systematically. This elevation in core body temperature has several effects on the body, including an acceleration and improvement in various functions. Most notably, it activates and enhances the immune system, making it more active and aggressive. Additionally, enzymatic activity increases significantly, making the immune system a potent weapon against cancer. Furthermore, cancer cells are less able to withstand high temperatures compared to normal cells, making them more vulnerable to attack and destruction by the immune system.

As for its safety, Whole Body Hyperthermia is considered safe because it capitalizes on the body's natural defense mechanism, fever. Fever is a physiological response that raises the body's temperature to combat infections and other processes, including cancer. Normal cells can tolerate elevated temperatures without harm, whereas cancer cells, which are already metabolically compromised, are more susceptible to the effects of fever.

Whole-Body Hyperthermia is effective against cancer for several reasons. First, it strengthens the immune system, enabling it to more aggressively target cancer cells. Second, it makes cancer cells more susceptible to damage due to the metabolic effects of higher temperature and increased oxygen saturation produced by hyperthermia, similar to what happens during a fever. In essence, medical hyperthermia mimics the body's natural defense system to regain control over abnormal cellular behavior.

The "Whole-Body" aspect of Medical Hyperthermia is crucial because it targets cancer throughout the entire body, rather than focusing on pre-identified cancer activity, as localized therapies do. This comprehensive approach represents a significant advancement in cancer treatment. BioCare has been performing Whole Body Hyperthermia for over two decades, with a team of highly trained professionals to ensure effectiveness and safety.

BioCare's extensive experience includes thousands of cases with virtually no side effects. They are affiliated with international medical hyperthermia groups and actively participate in important medical hyperthermia seminars and meetings worldwide. Over 40 years, BioCare has developed an integrative and complementary protocol and procedures that support the effectiveness and safety of hyperthermia for the benefit of their patients.

Whether you are a candidate for this procedure depends on your unique case. BioCare's team of doctors is available to review your medical information and discuss your eligibility for the treatment. They encourage you to share your medical information with their experts in cancer treatment to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.