BioCare Health Network "Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer"


Early detection and diagnosis are the cornerstones of this cancer.’s therapy and successful outcome. Ovarian cancer is, in fact, the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women in the USA; it is a good example of how mimicking symptoms can disguise a serious disease and mislead the diagnosis. In reality, this is not silent cancer, but the nonspecific pain and discomfort most women experience can mask the urgency of medical attention and give time for the progression of the disease.

Early development of ovarian cancer rarely produces symptoms, but once cancer develops, general and nonspecific problems can occur as the disease progresses. Attention to even simple abdominal problems can make a difference. To mention just some of the most notorious, we include bloating or pressure in the belly, abdominal or pelvic pain, filling too quickly during meals, and frequent urination. In summary, all abdominal or pelvic discomfort needs our awareness and attention. If any of the above-mentioned problems persist or even increase, being nonchalant will serve no good and possibly give time to complicate the condition.

Ovarian cancer is closely related to hormonal factors. Hormones have statistically shown that they can play a role in a rather complex way.  Parity and the use of oral contraception seem to reduce risk, but hormone replacement therapies can increase the risk for ovarian cancer; risk also increases in those cases of early onset of the menstrual period and late menopause. Genetics also seems to play an important role; if someone in your direct family has had ovarian cancer, you will have to be aware and increase your vigilance. Being overweight, smoking cigarettes, and reducing physical activity will also tilt the balance against you.

As you can see, far from being confusing, we should center our goals on taking care, BioCaring our bodies. We are exposed to more and more environmental and dietary changes that increase our risks in areas we do not foresee. Hormone balance has been under assault for some time because parity has been reduced, and hormonal presence in the food supply can be a factor in early menarche and late menopause; hormone replacement therapy and our growing lack of physical activity all play against our odds. The moral of all this can help us be better equipped to face ovarian cancer and other chronic inflammatory degenerative diseases.

BioCare means awareness, vigilance, surveillance, stay away from nonchalant behavior that can cost a lot. First, be proactive in planning your food, in making healthy choices; increase your physical activity, watch your weight, and plan on being healthy. Then do not disregard any symptom, be watchful and take action when the symptoms last or increase in severity. Talk to your doctor if someone in your family has had a problem; there are blood tests that can give you an early warning. Your doctor can do a medical history and physical examination; it is very important that you express your concerns and worries so you can be assured he/she will review them and give you the answers you need.

BioCare is very close to you, a click away; with just an email or free phone call, you will start a conversation about you and your health concerns. Our doctors are happy to listen and advise. Let our professional team help and guide you to health and well-being.


BioCare Health Network "Understanding The Immune System"
